and besides…

The Voided City

Nicolas Moulin – Vider Paris, 2001 (via) The situationist idea to let old city structures like the labyrinths of Amsterdam grow into superstructures across the whole planet with psychogeographic zones according to the needs of the inhabitants (titled “New Babylon”) was defeated by european cities being a collage of old and new. The old often…

The Voided City Weiterlesen »

From Tiqqun to the Young Girl Reading Group. A shituationist art world oracle, including: Kony, De Kooning,, DIS Magazine, Claire Fontaine, Bernadette Corporation, Chloë Sevigny, the black block and the Hilton hotel

Remember when all the hip art students were suddenly carrying around french insurrectionist literature by the Invisible Committee and Tiqqun? One could guess it was over in 2010, after that Fox news commercial (insurrectionism became mainstream?), all we can say is, that on the surface only some ironic ripples were left online. Netartists on…

From Tiqqun to the Young Girl Reading Group. A shituationist art world oracle, including: Kony, De Kooning,, DIS Magazine, Claire Fontaine, Bernadette Corporation, Chloë Sevigny, the black block and the Hilton hotel Weiterlesen »