arché writing

Incandescent materialism, literacy in quantum writing

key note lecture at the NEW MATERIALIST POLITICS AND ECONOMIES OF KNOWLEDGE conference, 2 – 4 OCTOBER 2015, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA abstract Philosophy has to reconsider how it addresses the world, Michel Serres maintains in his “materialism of the incandescent void” (L’ Incandescent, 2003). This, for him, is an issue of metaphysics: the world, as we ought to … Continue reading

Incandescent materialism, literacy in quantum writing Weiterlesen »

Abstract // Incandescent materialism, literacy in quantum writing

abstract for my talk at the NEW MATERIALIST POLITICS AND ECONOMIES OF KNOWLEDGE CONFERENCE, 2 – 4 OCTOBER 2015, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA Philosophy has to reconsider how it addresses the world, Michel Serres maintains in his “materialism of the incandescent void” (L’ Incandescent, 2003). This, for him, is an issue of metaphysics: the world, as we ought to … Continue reading

Abstract // Incandescent materialism, literacy in quantum writing Weiterlesen »

“Ichnography”—The Nude and Its Model | The Alphabetic Absolute and Storytelling in the Grammatical Case of the Cryptographic Locative

abstract This article discusses different modes of how the ominous ‘all’ can be plotted as ‘comprehension’ via narrative, calculation, and measurement. The main interest thereby regards how the apparent ‘Real Time’ induced by the logistical infrastructures established by communicational media becomes articulable once we regard ‘Light Speed’ as the tense-ness proper to spectral modes of … Continue reading

“Ichnography”—The Nude and Its Model | The Alphabetic Absolute and Storytelling in the Grammatical Case of the Cryptographic Locative Weiterlesen »

The quickness of matter, doped in its polyalphabetic textuality. Or: the articulation of articles, beyond prescript and postscript.

„As an example of human achievement“ John Orton maintains in his book Semiconductors and the Information Revolution. Magic Crystals that made IT happen, that semiconductors ought to „rank alongside the Beethoven Symphonies, Concord, Impressionism, medieval cathedrals and Burgundy wines and we should be equally proud of it.“ [1] Why is it, indeed, that there attaches … Continue reading

The quickness of matter, doped in its polyalphabetic textuality. Or: the articulation of articles, beyond prescript and postscript. Weiterlesen »

Arché, Arcanum, and Articulation. What is at stake with the notion of the universal ?

CONTENTS 0 précis I Genericness as the symbolical body of reciprocity Enunciating the universal Universal text, generic code, pre-specific data Ada Lovelace, the Enchantress of Numbers Algebraic Paradigms II Lemmata in how to theorise the universal while remaining neutral on matters of believe Lemma 1: Universality in terms of objectivity Lemma 2: Universality in terms … Continue reading

Arché, Arcanum, and Articulation. What is at stake with the notion of the universal ? Weiterlesen »