Michel Serres

Architectonic disposition: ichnography, scenography, orthography

 by Vera Bühlmann author’s manuscript. In his Ten Books on Architecture, the Roman architect Vitruvius gathered all the existent knowledge on architecture in one comprehensive treaty including the building of temples, of course, but also the construction of clocks (gnomon, sun-dials) and the fabrication of machinery. The dedicated aim of gathering all the distributed knowledge … Continue reading

Architectonic disposition: ichnography, scenography, orthography Weiterlesen »


by Vera Bühlmann author’s manuscript. The main inclination this article will try to develop concerns a danger that Michel Serres has stated as follows: not to confuse invariance and identity.[1] Jacques Monod, to whom Serres refers with this statement, has pointed out the source of this likely confusion with regard to what he calls the … Continue reading

Invariance Weiterlesen »

Maxwell’s Demon (Non-Anthropocentric Cognition)

  by Vera Bühlmann author’s manuscript. In this article, I would like to discuss one of the key moments of reference in 20th century information science, which arose from thermodynamics and which in fact links the latter to the former in many important aspects. Maxwell’s famous thought experiment explores how to think of heat, if … Continue reading

Maxwell’s Demon (Non-Anthropocentric Cognition) Weiterlesen »

Incandescent materialism, literacy in quantum writing

key note lecture at the NEW MATERIALIST POLITICS AND ECONOMIES OF KNOWLEDGE conference, 2 – 4 OCTOBER 2015, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA abstract Philosophy has to reconsider how it addresses the world, Michel Serres maintains in his “materialism of the incandescent void” (L’ Incandescent, 2003). This, for him, is an issue of metaphysics: the world, as we ought to … Continue reading

Incandescent materialism, literacy in quantum writing Weiterlesen »

Lecture Course at TU Vienna (a-theory institute) winter 2015 // from form to spectrum – the »computational object« in design and in philosophy

The notion of »the object« reveals itself currently in a novel manner that not only produces powerful pragmatic tactics and protocols (e.g. parametrics, agent-based modeling) as well as the aesthetics of a »geometry of the colossal« (Peter Sloterdijk), but it also enriches and complicates the philosophical spectrum of how possibilities and necessities can be reasoned, established, augmented, preserved or exploited. The … Continue reading

Lecture Course at TU Vienna (a-theory institute) winter 2015 // from form to spectrum – the »computational object« in design and in philosophy Weiterlesen »