
PhD Colloquy Winter 2014/15 || An Untimely Nature of Communication: The Cyphered Reality of Channels

….and: The Birth of Geometry in Encryption and Deciphering–Towards a Physics of Communication. “Bacteria, fungus, whale, sequoia, we do not know any life of which we cannot say that it emits information, receives it, stores it and processes it. Four universal rules, so unanimous that, by them, we are tempted to define life but are unable to do so, because … Continue reading

PhD Colloquy Winter 2014/15 || An Untimely Nature of Communication: The Cyphered Reality of Channels Weiterlesen »

On Michel Serres’ book The Natural Contract (1990): “Cosmoliteracy – the Alphabetization of the Nature of Thought”

This is the manuscript of my talk at the joint annual conference of the Society for European Philosophy and the Forum for European Philosophy, September 3-5 2014 at Utrecht University, with the annual theme: Philosophy after Nature. Cosmoliteracy – the Alphabetization of the Nature of Thought by Vera Bühlmann A-cosmic philosophies have only language or politics, writing … Continue reading

On Michel Serres’ book The Natural Contract (1990): “Cosmoliteracy – the Alphabetization of the Nature of Thought” Weiterlesen »

Generic Mediality – A Response to Mark B. N. Hansen’s “Speculative Phenomenology of Micro-Temporal Operations”

Hansen’s lecture and my response were held at the joint annual conference of the Society for European Philosophy and the Forum for European Philosophy, September 3-5 2014 at Utrecht University, with the annual theme: Philosophy after Nature.   Generic mediality, and the Real as the physical substance of technical criticality (gk. krinein, Ermessen). by … Continue reading

Generic Mediality – A Response to Mark B. N. Hansen’s “Speculative Phenomenology of Micro-Temporal Operations” Weiterlesen »

The Body of the Cipher, or the Form of Actualization (an atomist view on computational entities that are generic in their kind).

lecture manuscript, held at the Seminar Materialism without Territory, Art and the Environment, organized by the applied virtuality theory-lab at CAAD ETH Zurich, May 29/30, at the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich.   CONTENTS (1)             Slides I – V (intro to the formal context, aim and overview of the following text)  (2)             Representation versus … Continue reading

The Body of the Cipher, or the Form of Actualization (an atomist view on computational entities that are generic in their kind). Weiterlesen »

The reciprocal double-articulation of »sustainability« and »environmentality« or The mode of »insisting existence« proper to the circular.

abstract This text inquires how Louis Hjelmslev’s idea of »an algebra immanent to language« can help us to characterize discretized probability densities as a kind of »symbolic alphabeticity«. It is the manuscript for my talk at the 5th metalithikum colloquy in may 2014.   CONTENTS (1)    Introduction: The Materiality of sense, or: “capable of being … Continue reading

The reciprocal double-articulation of »sustainability« and »environmentality« or The mode of »insisting existence« proper to the circular. Weiterlesen »