Zitat des Tages – dreimal „queer“

Elisabeth Daümer: „In the queer universe, to be queer implies that not everybody is queer the same way. It implies a willingness to articulate their own queerness.“

Jeffrey Escoffier: „Queer politics offers a way of cutting across race and gender lines. It implies the rejection of a minoritarian logic of toleration or simple interest-representation. Instead, queer politics represents an expansive impulse of inclusion; specifically, it requires a resistance to regimes of the normal.“


Gloria Anzaldua: „Queer is used as a false unifying umbrella which all `queers´of alll races, ethnicities and classes are shoved under. (…) we must not forget that it homogenizes, erases our differences.“

In: Goldman, Ruth: Who is that Queer Queer? In: In: Beemyn, Brett; Eliason, Mickey (Ed.): Queer Studies. A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Anthology. New York, London, S.170f..