
I accuse

Letter from an Israeli to European Leftists by Avi Rybnicki, Tel Aviv german version Dear comrades from the European “left” (double meaning)! These lines are not the product of a well thought intellectual analysis but of nights with very little … Weiterlesen

I accuse Weiterlesen »

Enough sweating!

by Lothar Galow-Bergemann In a study worth reading, sociologist Steffen Liebig examines models of working time reduction from a social and ecological perspective german version [This article published on January 20, 2022 is translated from the German on the Internet.]published … Weiterlesen

Enough sweating! Weiterlesen »

Stolen Time

Why Capitalism Forces Us to Do Without and Why We Could Work Less By Lothar Galow-Bergemann and Ernst Lohoff Excerpt from a text in the book Shutdown. Klima, Corona und der notwendige Ausstieg aus dem Kapitalismus ISBN 978-3-89771-292-8, Unrast Verlag, … Weiterlesen

Stolen Time Weiterlesen »