
In the Europool

The announcement of this sunday’s Europool event by Creamcake provides insights into culture politics and funding terminology related to the cultural sector of Berlin today. Creamcake is a popular party series that has taken place in Südblock and later Ohm, featuring musicians connected to the digital sphere, which also has organised an art festival last…

In the Europool Weiterlesen »

Why can’t I find a cheap flat in Neukölln, Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg? Shituationist Berlin De-Mystification Service Series #1

In case you wondered why it is so hard to find a flat in Berlin, isn’t it supposed to be cool AND crazy AND cheap? Short explanation, it’s capitalisation, the Berlin myth is a collectively produced marketing sheme that is programmed to go out of hands. Our special brand of gentrification, where there is not…

Why can’t I find a cheap flat in Neukölln, Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg? Shituationist Berlin De-Mystification Service Series #1 Weiterlesen »

Crisis of fictitious digital capital? Berlin Biennale review, pt. 1

In the current Berlin Biennale there is a section inside a business school in a former GDR government building, because that’s what this Biennale is about, putting art and cyberspace and the economy and the city’s history in touch. In this section of the show the artist Simon Denny has put fair booths of cryptocurrencies,…

Crisis of fictitious digital capital? Berlin Biennale review, pt. 1 Weiterlesen »

Another Mobiweek..

Auch in der kommenden Woche wird die Mobitrommel für Annaberg – Buchholz gerührt. Nun ein Kurzüberblick für euch, der jederzeit hier nochmal, inklusiver der Termine der folgenden Wochen, nachgeschaut werden kann. 17.05.16, 19.00 Uhr, Chemnitz Lesung mit Kirsten Achtelik aus ihrem Buch „Selbstbestimmte Norm. Feminismus, Pränataldiagnostik, Abtreibung“. Hier geht’s zur Facebook-Veranstaltung. Lokomov (Augustusburger Straße 102) […]

Another Mobiweek.. Weiterlesen »

Short note on “Ancient Methods visit” Berghain Saturday March 19th 2016

It has been a while since my last post about upcoming events in Berlin. A series of reasons for that. Berlin contemporary electronic music scene has dramatically commercialized last years. At least this is my opinion. Boring crowds, esoteric people, boring line ups, expensive fees compose the current situation. Perhaps I am getting a little…

Short note on “Ancient Methods visit” Berghain Saturday March 19th 2016 Weiterlesen »

Berlin – Film Screening & Discussion “Deportations from Thessaloniki to Auschwitz. March 15th 1943”

In April 1941, Nazi Germany started its military assault against Greece, coming to the aid of fellow Axis power Italy, who had unsuccessfully invaded the country in the previous year. Almost two years later, on 15 March 1943, the Nazis and their allies launched the first train transport at Thessaloniki Railway Station in order to…

Berlin – Film Screening & Discussion “Deportations from Thessaloniki to Auschwitz. March 15th 1943” Weiterlesen »

From Tiqqun to the Young Girl Reading Group. A shituationist art world oracle, including: Kony, De Kooning,, DIS Magazine, Claire Fontaine, Bernadette Corporation, Chloë Sevigny, the black block and the Hilton hotel

Remember when all the hip art students were suddenly carrying around french insurrectionist literature by the Invisible Committee and Tiqqun? One could guess it was over in 2010, after that Fox news commercial (insurrectionism became mainstream?), all we can say is, that on the surface only some ironic ripples were left online. Netartists on…

From Tiqqun to the Young Girl Reading Group. A shituationist art world oracle, including: Kony, De Kooning,, DIS Magazine, Claire Fontaine, Bernadette Corporation, Chloë Sevigny, the black block and the Hilton hotel Weiterlesen »